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Englishfor GLT 1012: Speech Communication Book 2
List Price:  RM 47.00
Selling Price:  RM 47.00

Description :

The only two-level series that prepares students for success in both presentations and academic discussions, Speech Communication Made Simple takes an interactive, accessible approach to building confidence as a speaker. Students learn how to present in a variety of genres, effectively use voice and props, and lead or participate in discussions. With its lighthearted and engaging approach, the text helps students acquire speech communication and listening skills that they can apply immediately and throughout their lives.




  • Varied speech genres that range from personal story to persuasive.
  • Broad array of projects including interviews and group discussions.
  • Scaffolded approach that includes directed discussion of a model presentation; skill-building exercises for selecting a topic, organizing information, and more; practicing aloud; and finally, delivering a speech.
  • Pronunciation Practice that focuses on American English pronunciation patterns that are difficult for most non-native speakers of English.
  • Playing with Sayings section that presents idiomatic sayings in popular use and related activities to help students understand and use them to enhance their spoken communication.
  • Useful language boxes that illustrate effective ways to begin speeches or participate in discussion.
  • CD-ROM with MP3 audio that includes sample speeches and all pronunciation activities


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