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Grammar Explorer 3: Student Book
1st Edition
Copyright 2015
ISBN 13: 9781111351113
List Price:  RM 160.00
Selling Price:  RM 160.00

Description :

Grammar Explorer prepares students for academic success through captivating National Geographic content and assignments that mirror the requirements of academic life. Going beyond clear grammar charts and instruction, Grammar Explorer challenges students to think critically while using grammar in their listening, speaking, reading, and writing.


About the Author

Amy Cooper has over twenty years of experience in ELT publishing, and she has worked on textbooks in all skill areas. She holds graduate degrees in Theoretical Linguistics and Applied Linguistics from Cornell University and Teacher’s College, Columbia University.


Samuela Eckstut-Didier is a Senior Lecturer at Boston University's Center for English Language and Orientation Programs (CELOP) in Boston, Massachusetts. She holds an M.Ed. degree in TESOL from Teachers College, Columbia University, as well as a Royal Society of Arts Certificate in TEFL. She taught for many years in Athens, Greece, and was a Fulbright teacher trainer in the Veneto-Friuli region of Italy. She has authored and co-authored many ESL and EFL textbooks including Strategic Reading, Center Stage, Focus on Grammar 1 Workbook, Focus on Grammar 2 Workbook and Finishing Touches.

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