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The Leader's Guide to Resilience
ISBN 13: 9781292331294
List Price:  RM 83.00
Selling Price:  RM 74.70

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Personal Development / Reference

Description :

Stress in the 21st century is psychological as well as physical.  That means – when we are in the habit of overthinking – it is our anxieties, procrastination, perfectionism (or insert any catastrophic mindset here) that propagates our time in the stress response.  Unlike the threat of a lion, which you would either fight or successfully flee from, psychological stress won’t suddenly disappear…unless you learn to face it…and that takes psychological strength.  Resilience is not just about “getting by” but rather building the mental and emotional fortitude to take on the crises, rebuild when it’s exhausted you – and have some energy left in the tank to thrive.

The problem is, the world is not always built around wellbeing – but around “success”.  “Success” meaning targets, achievements, titles.  Yet the biggest secret to resilience - and perhaps success(!) is that WHO YOU ARE FAR OUTWEIGHS WHAT YOU KNOW…even if what you have disappears overnight, you still retain the fortitude that you will rise from the ashes – and fly even higher.  And the best part is, ANYONE can learn the tools.

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